Time to grab a brew and take five. We are excited to share Sterlings new brand video! From Maine to Colorado, Salt Pump Climbing Co. to Arbor One Tree and Landscape, they shot some killer video and hung with some inspiring people. Check it out! (and def turn up the volume, it is an amazing track)
Sterling designs products that enable pure focus.
That allows the task at hand - to be the only task at hand.
There are no questions. Only flow.
So be bold. Be Courageous. And be Safe.
Own the moment.
You have the Freedom To Focus.
#noquestionsonlyflow #freedomtofocus #sterlingrope #ghostofpa...
Video – Where the Wild Things Play
We love this video
A homage to all the badass, adventurous ladies we know. Crank the volume to 11, this soundtrack is a must. Film by Krystle Wright. Music by CAKE.